Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh the animosity

Who are the biggest rivals of all time? Is it the Bears and the Lions? The Cardinals and Cubs? Army and Navy? As passionate of contenders as they are, I don't think anyone can top the Republicans and Democrats. People hold this rivalry on a completely different level. There is certainly nothing wrong with that. It is the way it should be. The political dealing of your government effect everyone, and everyone should pay attention and be involved. However, is there really a need for this extreme hatred that everyone seems to have?
People plaster the back of their cars with bumper stickers with the most derogatory statements against President Bush. Anne Coulter writes books with titles like, "If Democrats had any brains they'd be Republicans". The Democratic party feels it's necessary to humiliate a teen age girl for her illegitimate child in hopes to push Obama ahead a few percentiles in the polls. And Rudy Guliani gives speeches like he did at the RNC that start out with, "look at the cute little black man thinking he can be president", and turn to, "this dude is an incompetent idiot who can't make up his own mind." Anytime someone gets a microphone, whether it be on the radio, television or most recently at the VMAs, someone has something to say about politics. More often than not, sadly, they use their time to spout hateful derogatory comments that only further divide this country.
I understand people have different political views. I know I have my opinions on people and issues. There is nothing more important to democracy than to have everyone contribute to their opinions. Is it necessary and productive though, to speak your opinions in a manner that can only be described as hateful? Why does everyone view the other side as ignorant people who do not have any care for patriotism and is going to run the country into the ground?
I have been purposefully trying to keep my political affiliation confidential thus far. For those of you who know me, I might not have been able to fool you. Hopefully for those of you who do not know me, for reasons of an un-biased opinion, still haven't figured out what I am. Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. I am an American. That's all you need to know. I will not blindly vote for a democrat or republican just because he is a democrat or a republican. I will vote for a democrat or a republican because I believe he/she is the best person for the job. I believe every party truly wants the best for America. It's just all in how you look at it. Republicans think American citizens should take care of themselves, Democrats think the government should take care of American citizens and the Libertarians don't care how citizens take care of themselves just so long as no one is killing each other.
I have never contributed to Clinton or Bush jokes. And I will not contribute to McCain and Obama jokes. If you ever do catch me speaking unacceptably against anyone (because I am not perfect), please gently make it aware to me. There are people I disagree with, but that does not make it acceptable to demean them.

Here is an idea, how about we all support our President? Notice I did not say "agree with and love". If you disagree with whoever is president, how about you have a little faith that he will listen to the desires of the people. I am 100% in favor of you voicing your opinion in a constructive way. However when you voice it in a non-constructive way, all it does is make the other side mad at you. It does not invoke their desire to work with you. And is that not the goal of our government to have multiples sides of the spectrum working with, not against, each other to act as a checks and balance system?
One person I would like to say that I have been very impressed with is Vice President nominee Joe Biden. Though he's only been in the spotlight a few weeks, he has displayed a very respectful campaign. He openly declared his disappointment in the Democrat's attack on Governor Palin's daughter, and graciously took her speech at the RNC in stride. Instead of retaliating with defensive justifications and offensive attacks, he commended her on a good speech and declared her a worthy opponent. If Senator Biden becomes Vice President Biden, I hope he can influence people in Washington in a positive way.

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