Friday, July 11, 2008

Missing the point

A photo of a nuclear weapons test by Iran, originating from a web site of Sepah News which is the media arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, made front pages of newspapers all over the world recently. Displayed below is that picture:

Yesterday the associated press claimed that Iran's state media altered the photo to cover up a fluke nuke. They claim that this is what the photo originally looked like:

Is it just me, or are they totally missing the point. THERE ARE STILL THREE NUCLEAR MISSILES IN THE PICTURE!!! Are they really hoping to ease every one's mind by saying, "one of those nukes never launched!" WHEW! You really had my heart racing there for a second Iran! I was afraid you were going to destroy four US states! I'm glad it's only three now!

Dear Associated Press,

Let me know when you find evidence that they photo-shopped ALL of the missiles in there.

Very Respectfully,

A person who doesn't want to be killed by a nuke

And another thing I don't understand, is why the US and Russia have so many nuclear weapons. No one, except the powers that be obviously, knows an exact number but we're all pretty sure it is higher than 3, which is more than we'll ever use. Everyone seems to think it's a nice round number in the 10,000 range! It's always good to have a few extra just in case... you know... every country in the world wages war on us and we have to incinerate earth 27 times over! It has to say something when we have nearly as many nuclear weapons as we do bullets. Can we say: "Insecure"?

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Thank you! I've been voicing this gripe, and was beginning to wonder if anyone else was also pointing it out. I'm glad to know I've got company... I'll be happy to start mocking the photo when the whole photo is a dud, rather than just 25% of it!