Monday, July 14, 2008

The Demolition of an American Icon: Yankee Stadium

Baseball is commonly referred to as America's pastime. When I was a kid I was like-minded with the great ball player Roger Hornsby when he said, "People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Often times I wish I grew up in a different era. I wish I lived in an era where a hard working mentality was not a rarity, where the only thing that ran deeper than patriotism was family ties, and where every Saturday at any given baseball park in America the stands were filled with fathers and sons alike. Baseball has always been apart of my family. Growing up as St. Louis Cardinals fans, there were two main principles my dad constantly taught my sister and I: 1) Love God 2) Hate the cubs.

This season will mark the end of an American icon. For over 80 years Yankee Stadium has been home to the boys of summer in blue pinstripes. Often referred to as "America's Team", the New York Yankees have fielded some of baseball's greatest legends such as: Billy Martin, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Micky Mantle, Yogi Berra, Roger Maris, Don Mattingly and even the first African American in major league baseball Jackie Robinson. Babe Ruth said, "I'd give a year of my life if I can hit a home run in the first game in this new park." Indeed the Great Bambino did just that on April 13, 1923 in the third inning. The stadium that has been known as "The House that Ruth Built" will be demolished, and the yanks will be relocated just north of their current location. For now though, they continue to play among ghosts of baseball's past. Tomorrow night, July 15, the 2008 All Star Game will take place there. If you have the opportunity to attend a game this season, take it. If you have an extra ticket you don't want, give it to me! I'm actually being serious. All tickets are sold out. After September 21, 2008 there will never be another opportunity to experience history in that place.
Quotes on Baseball:
Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer. ~Ted Williams
I'm convinced that every boy, in his heart, would rather steal second base than an automobile. ~Tom Clark
A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz. ~Humphrey Bogart
I see great things in baseball. It's our game - the American game. It will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us. ~Walt Whitman
I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it. ~Rogers Hornsby
Say this much for big league baseball - it is beyond question the greatest conversation piece ever invented in America. ~Bruce Catton
Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off. ~Bill Veeck
You can't sit on a lead and run a few plays into the line and just kill the clock. You've got to throw the ball over the goddamn plate and give the other man his chance. That's why baseball is the greatest game of them all. ~Earl Weaver
Sandy's fastball was so fast, some batters would start to swing as he was on his way to the mound. ~Jim Murray, on Sandy Koufax
I was such a dangerous hitter I even got intentional walks in batting practice. ~Casey Stengel
There have been only two geniuses in the world. Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare. ~Tallulah Bankhead
Putting lights in Wrigley Field is like putting aluminum siding on the Sistine Chapel. ~Roger Simon, 1988
Pitchers, like poets, are born not made. ~Cy Young
Baseball statistics are like a girl in a bikini. They show a lot, but not everything. ~Toby Harrah
Spread the diaper in the position of the diamond with you at bat. Then fold second base down to home and set the baby on the pitcher's mound. Put first base and third together, bring up home plate and pin the three together. Of course, in case of rain, you gotta call the game and start all over again. ~Jimmy Piersal, on how to diaper a baby
What does a mama bear on the pill have in common with the World Series? No cubs. ~Harry Caray

1 comment:

RGV Steve said...

Love God. Hate the Cubs. Amen!
Sound advice to live your life by indeed!

Like you, Steven, I have had it as a life goal to attend a game at Yankee Stadium. I came close once but it didn't work out. So if you get 2 extra tickets, let me know, we can make it a Father/Son thing!